Everyday budgeting means income is greater than expenses
5 September 2012
Everyday budgeting means income is greater than expenses
“I just haven’t got enough
“There’s not enough to cover my
“I need more money to afford to
These are common comments from budgeting clients, according to Raewyn Fox, CEO of the New Zealand Federation of Family Budgeting Services.
“It’s quite common for a client to come to a budgeting service thinking they don’t have enough money. Sometimes we can reduce expenses down to an affordable level – and sometimes it’s true; the client hasn’t got enough money,” Fox says.
The spotlight is on everyday money and everyday budgeting during Money Week, New Zealand’s first week dedicated to helping Kiwis learn about everyday money.
Fox says sometimes budgeting clients cannot get enough income to cover expenses. “This is sometimes true for beneficiaries as well as income earners. A budget adviser will do everything they can to help the client reduce expenses and increase income.”
But how could a person possibly increase their
income? “It’s not usually easy,” Fox says. Here are
her suggestions:
• If you’re a beneficiary, are you
getting all the support you’re entitled to? A budget
adviser has detailed knowledge of Work and Income
entitlements, and might help you and your family get that
little bit extra.
• If you’re a salary or wage
earner, have you enquired about a pay rise? If you ask
politely and can justify your request with good work, you
may be surprised by what can happen.
• In order to
survive, sometimes you may need to work more than one job. A
small side-job can sometimes create enough extra cash to
balance the budget.
• Do you gamble or smoke? Money
spent on a $30 a week smoking habit could buy quite a few
groceries. Quitting smoking can be like giving yourself a
pay rise.
• Do you have other resources you could use?
For example, if you have a spare room you could take on a
boarder. If you’re good at crafts could you sell them at a
weekend market?
The New Zealand Federation of Family Budgeting Services is a network of community budgeting services offering free, confidential, non-judgemental budgeting advice. Find a free budget adviser on www.familybudgeting.org.nz or by calling 0508 BUDGETLINE (283 438).