Measures to protect oceanic whitetip shark
Measures to protect oceanic whitetip shark
Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is using powers under
the Fisheries Act 1996 to help protect the oceanic whitetip
This shark is a highly migratory species, and is commonly caught by fishers targeting tropical tuna. There are only occasional captures in New Zealand waters, and also by New Zealand vessels operating on the high seas in the Pacific around the Equator.
Concerns have been raised about its status and it is now classified by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as "vulnerable".
In March 2012 the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission adopted a measure requiring member nations, including New Zealand, to prohibit landings or sale of oceanic whitetip shark. This follows similar bans by other international fisheries organisations.
These measures are aimed at ensuring the oceanic whitetip shark can recover to a healthy population level.
MPI is working with the Department of Conservation (DOC), which is applying powers under the Wildlife Act 1953. The two agencies ran a joint public consultation on the measures. MPI's measures relate to New Zealand-flagged vessels fishing on the high seas, while DOC's relate to captures in New Zealand waters.