Fracking rules and management to come under spotlight - PCE
Embargoed until 14:00, 27th
November, 2012
Fracking rules and management to come
under spotlight - PCE
Parliamentary Commissioner for the
Environment Dr Jan Wright released her interim report on
fracking this afternoon.
The report, Evaluating the environmental impacts of fracking in New Zealand, concludes that fracking can be done safely if well managed but raises concerns about the rules and safeguards surrounding the practice New Zealand.
“During the course of this investigation I have come to a similar conclusion to the Royal Society which is that fracking is safe if it is properly regulated and managed.
“However I have significant concerns about how fragmented and complicated the regulatory environment for fracking is and about how these rules are being applied.
“If fracking is not done well it can have significant environmental impacts including polluting water and triggering earthquakes.
“I am also concerned that regulation may be too light-handed, particularly if fracking opens the door to a large-scale and widespread oil and gas boom with a lot of different companies involved.
“These concerns form the basis of the next stage of my investigation into fracking which I hope to conclude before the middle of next year.”
[Scoop copy of report: Frackinginterimweb.pdf]