KiwiRail Report Review Update
13 December 2012
An independent
review of the KiwiRail report used to justify mothballing of
the KiwiRail Report Review Update
Gisborne to Napier railway line has been completed this week and is now with the Government and KiwiRail for consideration before public release.
Gisborne District Councillor Manu Caddie says the review undertaken by BERL and a specialist rail engineering consultancy has identified inconsistencies within the KiwiRail report that suggest a different conclusion on the viability of the line.
“We want to give the Minister of Transport and KiwiRail the opportunity they did not provide the affected businesses and communities by letting them read the report before it is released publicly” said Mr Caddie who was part of a community fundraising campaign to pay for the review.
“Given the proximity to Christmas, we will give the Minister and Jim Quinn the holiday period to consider their response before we publicly release the report in early January. We had over 100 individuals, families, businesses and organisations donate to pay for the study and I know they are keen to see the outcome and we want to make sure the process has the best chance of success.”