Ngapuhi Cannot Work With Dame Susan
MEDIA RELEASE: Friday 22 March 2013
For immediate
Ngapuhi Cannot Work With Dame Susan As Race Relations Commissioner
Ngapuhi leader David Rankin has stated that his hapu (Matarahurahu) along with other Ngapuhi hapu he is aware of, have no confidence in Dame Susan Devoy as the new Race Relations Commissioner.
“Her derogatory comments about Waitangi Day are an offence to us and our ancestors,” says Mr. Rankin, “and she is utterly clueless about our culture and the issues that we, as Maori, face.”
Mr Rankin said the first thing Dame Susan should do when taking up the post is investigate her own cultural inappropriateness.
He is now planning action to get the Minister who made the appointment – Judith Collins – to reconsider the decision. “We will be organising a petition to be sent around the country,” says Mr. Rankin, “and will encourage Labour, the Greens, the Mana Party, and the Maori Party to work together in order to get a more appropriate person to fill this challenging role.”