Union concern at fishing crew exemptions
31 July 2013
Union concern at fishing crew exemptions
The Council of Trade Unions is critical of a proposal to exempt settlement quota from requirements of the Fisheries (Foreign Charter Vessels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill.
Syd Keepa, Vice-President Māori of the CTU said that the overall effect of this could exclude about one-third of fishing companies and is against the whole principle of the Bill.
“This will create a huge anomaly and a two tier system which allows the on-going exploitation of foreign crew to be permitted until 2020”.
“Also it removes any incentive to develop local employment opportunities for Māori and other workers to process the settlement quota.
Syd Keepa said that he does support, if necessary, an economic package separate from the Bill to address iwi concerns. But he said “we cannot support exemptions that allow some ships to continue with slave labour conditions for four additional years beyond 2016 when the flagging requirements apply to the rest”.