Chorus submission supports Govt interventionon copper prices
Chorus submission supports Government intervention on wholesale copper prices
Chorus has today published its submission on the Government’s Discussion Document entitled “Review of the Telecommunications Act 2001” (Discussion Document).
Chorus supports the Government stepping in and updating the policy framework, as proposed in its Discussion Document. It is clear that the current framework is no longer fit for purpose.
The submission outlines why Chorus believes the current framework is broken and why the Government is right to intervene. It also explains the specific changes to the copper pricing regime that would support the transition to fibre as well as the benefits that are being delivered to end users.
The submission also includes reports from three independent ex-regulators, Dr Ross Patterson, Richard Hooper CBE, and Professor Stephen Littlechild.
Chorus has included these independent views from three internationally respected ex-regulators to support the development of a high quality, stable and predictable regulatory environment in New Zealand.