Submissions reminder - Regulatory Inquiry
This is a reminder that submissions are invited by the end of this week (Friday 25 Oct) for our inquiry into the design of regulatory institutions and practices in New Zealand. Your feedback will help us form findings and recommendations for our Draft Report, due out in February 2014. Find out more on our inquiry webpage or go straight to our Issues Paper.
Done well, regulation improves our wellbeing – allowing us to better reach our social, environmental and economic goals. As we have found in undertaking this inquiry, the big challenge is to design regulation and regulators for the future that are clear in their purpose, are designed to maximise the chances of achieving what was intended, and are adaptable to risks and changing circumstances. Through this inquiry, we want to identify where and how to make improvements in the quality and effectiveness of government regulatory institutions and practices.
We are keen to tap into the wealth of knowledge that exists across New Zealand – be it from regulators regulated businesses, or consumers. The public submissions we receive will help to inform our research and analysis.