Crown decision to extend Tuhoronuku elections
2 April 2014
Crown decision to extend Tuhoronuku elections
Ngāti Hine questions the Crown's decision to extend Tuhoronuku's election process to allow the public time to review submissions that have only just been released. Ngāti Hine requested the information and submissions in August 2013, and has only two weeks to assess over 3,500 submissions.
Judge Reeves of the Waitangai Tribunal asked the Crown to provide copies of all public submissions on Tuhoronuku's Deed of Mandate. She agreed it was necessary that hapu and claimants have access to the submissions to make informed decisions.
Ngāti Hine expected the Crown to pause Tuhoronuku's election process to provide us with time to investigate the submissions and if necessary amend our application for an urgent hearing.
Ngāti Hine have followed due process and the two week time frame leaves inadequate time to assess thousands of submissions. Information from the submissions will help determine whether or not the Crown properly considered the overwhelming opposition. Ngāti Hine is being continually prejudiced and disadvantaged by the process of the mandate given by the Crown to Tuhoronuku.
Ngāti Hine continue to support the application for urgency with the Waitangi Tribunal despite limited resources. Ngāti Hine continue with their plans to have their own mandate and prepare to host stage two of the Waitangi Tribunal hearings at Tau Henare Marae, in August this year.