MP’s Cutting It Fine On Parenting Campaign Deadline
MP’s Cutting It Fine On Parenting Campaign Deadline.
The response to a questionnaire sent to all 121 MPs early in March has disappointed a single parent seeking politicians views on the WINZ policy on shared care parenting.
“They’ve had over a month, but so far only 8 MPs have written back, and only 1 has offered an opinion. I told them their responses were going online on April 20.” said Duncan Eddy from the Fifty Fifty campaign.
“Separated parents taking equal responsibility for their kids receive starkly different treatment from WINZ. Currently, if both parents seek state support, one receives the full sole parent benefit and work exemptions. The other parent gets a temporary benefit at the single adult rate and is expected to actively seek fulltime work”.
Maori Party Co Leader Tariana Turia has commented that the current law appears discriminatory. Both Labour and National caucuses have referred their issues to Party spokespeople, who have yet to respond. No MPs from any other Parties have responded so far.
“MPs can’t avoid this issue. WINZ is telling single parents who care for toddlers for half the week to get a fulltime job. It’s callous and unrealistic.”
MP’s responses will be available online at: from Sunday April 20