NZPI backs Minister’s right to submit on Unitary Plan
NZPI backs Minister’s right to submit on Auckland
Unitary Plan
The New Zealand Planning Institute
(NZPI) is backing Environment Minister Amy Adams’ right to
have a say on Auckland’s Unitary Plan through a
controversial submission made today.
NZPI Chairman Bryce Julyan says the Minister has a legitimate role, through the Ministry for the Environment, to play in the plan-making process, a role the he says has diminished in recent years. From that perspective the NZPI welcomes the Ministry’s participation in the Auckland Unitary Plan process.
“It is entirely appropriate for the
Ministry to undertake a role in the plan process as provided
for under the RMA. Indeed, many of our members have been
critical of the Ministry’s reduced involvement over the
last decade or so in the plan-making process.”
believes the Ministry for the Environment has an important
role to play and has been an active participant in
plan-making in the past.
“The Ministry has a role to properly focus on process and integrity of the plan (and policy where appropriate such as alignment with national policy statements),” says Mr Julyan.
However, Mr Julyan is stopping short of backing the detail of the Minister’s criticism of the plan in her submission.
“The decision not to appear in support of the submission is perhaps disappointing as active involvement in the process (that has been set up specifically for the Auckland Unitary Plan) would be more beneficial in relation to such matters as aligning the objectives and policies to ensure the integrity of the plan.
“In relation
any submission that criticises content of the Plan, such
statements are generally not helpful unless supporting
evidence and sound planning arguments are also provided and
relief clearly sought.”