Review of the agencies in the core NZ Intelligence Community
[Full Unclassified Summary: PIFReviewNZICJul14.pdf]
Review of the agencies in the core New Zealand Intelligence Community (NZIC)
Unclassified Summary
July 2014
This Performance Improvement Framework Review (PIF Review) of the agencies in the core New Zealand Intelligence Community (NZIC) was undertaken in late 2013. It was a standard PIF Review but the first combined PIF Review for a group of government agencies.
The agencies in NZIC are:
National Assessments Bureau (NAB) and Intelligence Coordination Group (ICG) of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC)
Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB)
New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS).
What made this PIF Review a little different is the nature of the agencies’ work, such that a degree of secrecy is required in order for the three agencies to undertake that work. This extends to knowledge of the capabilities of the New Zealand Government on security and intelligence issues. In order to be useful the NZIC PIF Review Report contains detailed findings. As a result, the PIF Review Report is classified TOP SECRET//NZEO (New Zealand Eyes Only).
Nonetheless, the NZIC agencies and the central agencies commissioning this PIF Review are committed to transparency. They therefore commissioned this summary of the key findings and main themes of the PIF Review to provide a reflection of the operating context and performance challenge for NZIC within the constraints permitted by the secret and confidential nature of its work.
[Full Unclassified Summary: PIFReviewNZICJul14.pdf]