Mana Candidate for Ikaroa Rawhiti Opens Up About Suicide
Te Hamua Nikora
MANA Candidate for Te Ikaroa Rawhiti
14 July 2014
Mana Candidate for Ikaroa Rawhiti Opens Up About Suicide
“This week suicide has claimed yet more lives in whanau and communities in Ikaroa Rawhiti, and my heart goes out to those who are dealing with such a tragic loss”, says MANA candidate for Te Ikaroa Rawhiti, Te Hamua Nikora. "For those whanau, and for any who are feeling life has got to a really low place, please know that the MANA offices in Gisborne and Hastings are a place to go to for help."
"It's so important for us to come together for support and sustenance, and to figure out a path forward."
"I know myself, having reached some pretty bleak times after the death of my beautiful Mum and during my recovery from cancer, how suicide can seem like the only way to go - but life can and does get better through knowing others are there."
"Suicide is such a hard thing to talk about - but talking about it's important. Sometimes we think that talking about it will make it worse, that it will plant the idea or push a person over the edge. But I know too, that asking if someone's okay or giving them the chance to open up and talk without judgement, can be a really good thing."
"My message is a simple one whanau, don't be scared to talk with each other about suicide or let someone vent their pain. Simply getting it out can help so much."