National and Labour to outline economic visions
26 August 2014
National and Labour to outline economic
visions at Victoria University
The deputy leaders of National and Labour will outline their visions for the New Zealand economy in two upcoming public lectures hosted by Victoria University of Wellington.
Hon Bill English and Hon David Parker will discuss the future of Government finances should either of their political parties get into power after the 2014 election, as well as the broader economic context.
Professor Norman Gemmell, Chair in Public Finance at Victoria University, who is hosting the pre-election event says: "In the run-up to the 2014 election, it is important that voters can assess, side-by-side, what the two largest parties are proposing to do that will affect all of our economic lives.
"As a politically independent institution, Victoria University is delighted that both Hon Bill English and Hon David Parker have accepted our invitation to present their plans and visions for the New Zealand economy and the Government's finances after the election."
Hon Bill English is the Deputy Leader of the National Party, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and the Minister for Regulatory Reform, and the Member for the Clutha-Southland Electorate.
Hon David Parker is Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Finance Spokesperson, Shadow Attorney General, Deputy Chairperson of the Privileges Committee, and a member of the Finance and Expenditure committees.
Public lecture details:
What will the economy look like under a National-led Government?
When: Monday 1 September, 3-4pm
Where: Lecture Theatre 1, Government Buildings (GBLT1)
What will the economy look like under a Labour-led Government?
When: Tuesday 2 September, 3-4pm
Where: Lecture Theatre 1, Government Buildings (GBLT1)
RSVP: By Thursday 28 August to or 04-463 9656, confirming which lecture you would like to attend.