Take Steps Against Child Poverty with Us!
Britomart to Aotea Square, Auckland, 11am,
Saturday 6 Sept
Music * Interactive Art * Stilt Walkers *
Great Speakers * Plus more!
Please join us and thousands of people just like you in 'taking steps against child poverty' from Britomart to Aotea Square to call for real action on child poverty in our country.
We want all our beautiful children to reach their potential - but sadly one in four children don't get a fair go in New Zealand. We're calling ALL political parties to come together immediately after the election to form a cross party agreement on an action plan to reduce child poverty. We're asking for a firm indication from political leaders that they are committed to the steps needed to give all children a fair go so they can reach their potential.
We aim for this to be a really colourful, child-friendly event - bringing diverse sections of our community together to show the nation how much we care about our children and their well-being. Come one, come all!
For more details visit our website, join the event on Facebookor download the flyer.
Please let all your friends, family and networks know too - every person - no matter how small - counts!
See below for more ways you can make help make the Hikoi a roaring success.
Hope to see you there,
Other ways to get involved:
As well as joining us on the day, there are lots of wee (and not so wee) things you can do to support this event:
For individuals:
1. Forward
this email to all your networks
2. Distribute flyers around your office or local shops
- please email admin@cpag.org.nzfor hard
3. Join and/or share the event on
4. Switch your Facebook profile picture or cover photo
to one of our Hikoi ones (see below) - please email admin@cpag.org.nz for these.
5. Tweet about the Hikoi: #endchildpoverty
#tick4kids #childpovertynz
6. Join us to help make
banners for the Hikoi - 6-9pm Thursday 4 Sept (next week) @
Unite Union, 6a Western Springs Road, Kingsland, Auckland.
Let us know you're coming too admin@cpag.org.nz
7. Volunteer on
the day Contact admin@cpag.org.nz to put your name
8. And of course - bring all your friends and
family along on the day!
For organisations:
1. Any (or all) of the above plus -
2. Add a
notice about the Hikoi to your website (see below for
convenient pre-written blurbs and web banner)
3. Add a
notice about the Hikoi to your next newsletter (see below
for convenient pre-written blurbs and newsletter
4. Endorse the Hikoi as an organisation - just
like the awesome New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO),
contact admin@cpag.org.nz if you're
5. Write a media release supporting the Hikoi,
Contact comms@cpag.org.nz if you're keen.
6. And of course - get everyone in your organisation to
join us! Feel free to bring your organisational flags and
banners along on the day too.