Pregnancy Help Welcomes Green Party Packs for Newborn Babies
Press Release:
Pregnancy Help Welcomes Green Party Packs for Newborn Babies
Timing for release: Immediate
Pregnancy Help applauds Metiria Turei acknowledging that “for many parents the birth of a new child is a highly stressful and financially straining time” and the desire for every child to thrive.
Diane Thornton, National President of Pregnancy Help states “As an organisation, Pregnancy Help also acknowledges this and we work to reduce stress and ease financial pressure in families by providing information, advice and practical support. This helps immensely to create an environment where children are able to thrive”.
In the past year in 8 centers across New Zealand, Pregnancy Help has provided families with:
72,658 items of clothing
824 dozen cloth nappies
574 bassinets
5271 bedding items.
Pregnancy Help has been working in New Zealand communities for the last 38 years and currently provides services in Auckland, Taupo, Central Hawkes Bay, Taranaki, Greater Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill.
The services provided are free to the service user and we support environmental sustainability and awareness through the re-using of practical support – we are a service to which people can donate essential baby items for the benefit of others.
We work with Whakawhetu SUDI Prevention for
Maori and Change For Our Children to promote safe sleeping
and provide families/ whanau with a safe bed for their baby
to sleep in.