NZ 2014 Election Index - 13-18 September
NZ 2014 Election Index - 13-18 September
Below is iSentia’s final weekly Election Index, covering the period 13-18 September and showing the relative amount of coverage of nine Party Leaders in the lead up to the National Election across news media and social media. The methodology used to produce the numbers is detailed below the chart.
Click for big version.
media figures are derived from free text searches of our NZ
news content database covering the period Saturday to
Thursday. The figures relate to the number of
articles/broadcast summaries the Leader is mentioned in, not
the total amount of mentions of their name. The figures do
not include syndicated broadcast items (i.e. the same
program rebroadcast on another station). Social media
figures are derived from Twitter, Google Plus and public
Facebook posts. They include items mentioning the Leader’s
full name or their Twitter