Narratives from the 2014 Election: What do we learn?
Narratives from the 2014 Election: What do we learn? - Sue Bradford, Russell Brown & Kirk Serpes discuss.
A Fabian reflection on Dirty Politics, Dotcom and Labour’s worst result. You are invited to attend a debrief of analysis and lessons for the 2014 election campaign, a campaign that had so much to offer on so many levels and continues to remain fascinating.
The panel for the session are:
Sue Bradford is a well-known figure in the New Zealand political landscape and a recent speaker on the research she has done on the New Zealand Left. Sue has been keen on this debrief for some time. There is so much we need to think afresh.
Russell Brown, with his Public Address site and the very significant Media Take programme on Maori TV, provided the best place to go throughout the campaign to make sense of it. He has used the word shellacking to describe one part of the election outcome!
Kirk Serpes, is Executive Director developing material on inequality at the Centre for New Zealand Progress, and also providing support on social and environmental issues. He is a founder member of Generation Zero, has worked for Oxfam and led New Zealand delegations on climate change.
You can register here
October 16th, 2014 6:30 PM through 8:30 PM
10 Grafton Road
Owen Glenn Building, University of
Also of note…
Sue Bradford's well-attended talk on the concept of a left wing think tank in NZ has provoked considerable discussion among attendees. On the web site is a considered response by Geoff Fischer in which he questions whether an institution of the general form discussed by Sue would necessarily represent a solution to the Left's fundamental problems. Others have made extensive comment.