Rape Crisis appalled by ‘RACK Appreciation Society"
Rape Crisis Dunedin is appalled and saddened by the existence of ‘RACK Appreciation Society’
Rape Crisis Dunedin is appalled and saddened by the existence of ‘RACK Appreciation Society’, a secret Facebook group created by male students at the University of Otago on which images of naked women were shared without their consent.
‘Our thoughts are with the women who have been affected by this’, said Dianne Smith, Support Worker at Rape Crisis. ‘Sharing naked images without consent of the women in the pictures is a form of sexual abuse, and we take it very seriously. If anyone would like support in dealing with this, they are welcome to contact us.’
‘Only in a rape culture would so many men think they have the right to look at images of women’s bodies not meant for them. Sexual abuse is no small thing, and no laughing matter. We hope that the University of Otago, which has an ethical obligation to ensure the safety of students, holds the men involved accountable in some way. If any of the men are truly sorry or remorseful they have the option of turning themselves in to the Police.’
‘Responses that blame the women, claim it was a joke and tell them to get over it are unhelpful to say the least. These sorts of statements are retraumatising and tell the perpetrators that their actions are supported. They are indicative of rape culture’.
Smith invites anyone affected by the Facebook group to attend ‘Freely and Willingly’, a March and Rally being held this Saturday at 1pm. ‘This is exactly why we organised this event. We want to stand up against a society that trivialises and condones rape and sexual abuse. We want to send a clear message that consent for all sexual behaviour is ethical and mandatory, and that anything less is abusive and we will not be silent about it.’
The March leaves the Octagon at 1pm, arriving at the Museum Reserve at 1.30pm for speeches and performances. The event is family-friendly and all are welcome.