History is made. Equal pay not just legal but possible!
History is made. Equal pay not just legal but possible!
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) congratulates Kristine Bartlett and the Service and Food Workers Union: Ngā Ringa Tota on their historic win. Today the Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal from Kristine’s employer; opening the way for the Employment Court to calculate an equal pay rate for caregivers.
Aotearoa New Zealand is now one step closer to achieving equal pay for men and women who do similar work.
NZNO industrial adviser for the aged care sector, David Wait says, "This is welcome news for the 2500 caregiver members of NZNO and the SFWU who have so far joined Kristine in taking equal pay claims and we expect that many more caregivers will now join that legal action."
NZNO delegate and caregiver, Dilani Perera says, “Kristine and our unions - thank you for giving us the possibility of a better life ahead. On behalf of all caregivers and their families – many blessings.”
“What this means for me is that all the things I couldn’t do in the past, for my children and my family, may now be possible with equal pay.”
Wait says, “NZNO’s membership is 93 percent women and today is a great day for each and every one of them. Equality is now one step closer.”