Police vetting important for community safety
Police vetting important for community safety
Arthritis New Zealand joins with other
charities in calling for the government to ensure that
charities can continue to access police vetting for staff
and volunteers working in the community
“When working with children and other vulnerable people we need to be assured that we are providing a safe and effective service,” Arthritis New Zealand Chief Executive, Sandra Kirby, said today. “Paying for police vetting would be a cost to Arthritis New Zealand which relies on community donations to fund more than 85% of its work.”
Arthritis New Zealand supported the Volunteer New Zealand submission to the Law and Order Select Committee on the Police (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill and agrees that Police vetting provides a wider public good and should be part of the Police’s core duties.
“At the very least we need a clear exemption system with little administrative work for community organisations to have ready access to a system that helps us and NZ Police meet their mission of safer communities together.” Ms Kirby concluded.
Arthritis New Zealand is the national organisation focussed on raising awareness of the more than 140 different forms of arthritis, advocating for those with the condition, and providing advice and support.