Iwi leaders’ water claim “nothing but corporate greed”
Iwi leaders’ water claim “nothing but corporate greed”
says Ngapuhi academic
As iwi leaders from around
the country meet to discuss claiming commercial rights to
all the country’s lakes, rivers, reservoirs, dams and any
other fresh water, Ngapuhi academic David Rankin has
questioned their motives.
Mr Rankin, who is currently
undertaking a PhD on traditional property rights, points out
that prior to the arrival of Europeans in New Zealand, Maori
never owned water. And even after Europeans arrived, Maori
never owned water. He says that there is no cultural basis
or historical precedent for the claim. Neither is water
Treaty right according to him “Water is not mentioned in
the Treaty once. ‘Taonga’ are mentioned, but these are
not property rights. A ‘taonga’ traditionally was
something that could be acquired at the point of a spear.
Try doing that with water”, he says.
Mr Rankin believes that the attempts by iwi leaders to grab hold of water rights is just a case of opportunism. He sees a pattern emerging where if Maori leaders thump their fists long enough about a resource, they will acquire it. He points to the foreshore and seabed, Auckland's mountains, some national parks, mining rights, forestry rights, and radio frequencies as examples.
“Tribal trusts boards are not about Maori, they use the iwi names as a front for their commercial ventures. The average Maori receives as much benefit from them as the average European: none,” says Mr Rankin. “As proof of this, even though iwi now measure their wealth in the billions of dollars, Maori are poorer now than at any other time in living memory”.