Bus and Coach Industry supports childcare changes
Bus and Coach Industry supports government’s
childcare changes
The Bus and Coach Association
President, Andrew Ritchie, praised the government’s budget
boost to child care. He said that the 20 hours of free early
childhood education is a great benefit not only to the
parents, but to employers and the economy in
“The Bus and Coach industry is facing persistent staff shortages, particularly for drivers. An industry estimate is that, over the next two years, bus and coach operators will be short 850 drivers. These childcare changes are a welcome policy, as they free up parents to potentially join our industry”, said Mr. Ritchie.
Mr Ritchie stated that many bus operators have part-time positions available that they are struggling to fill, like school bus drivers. These positions are flexible and are ideal for parents with school age children (and have great scope to move to full-time positions). Additionally, the parents themselves can ensure that their children and their mates make it home safely!
This childcare support will increase the pool of people able to work, benefitting employers by easing labour shortages, the parents with jobs, children with education, and the wider economy by having more people in work. This policy is a win-win.