Mother Sold Her Daughter to Next Door Neighbor for Sex
Disbelief that Mother Sold Her Daughter to Next Door
Neighbour for Sex
A Victim Advocacy group says they sincerely hope the Judge throws the full force of the law at the Mother who sold her young daughter to the next door neighbour for sex.
Leigh Woodman from the
Sensible Sentencing Group Trust says she is horrified that
the any mother could do this to their daughter.
woman sold her daughter over a period of 5 years; the Judge
needs to make an example of her to show society will not
condone this abhorrent, horrific, deeply disturbing and
premeditated behaviour in New Zealand.”
The Mother of the child pleaded guilty and was remanded on bail for sentencing on September 25.
Ms Woodman says the mother offered no explanation for her actions except to say she was remorseful and sorry. “We believe she is sorry alright - sorry she was caught. It is beyond comprehension that the very person who should be there to love and protect her child is the cause of this vile offending; it is not acceptable on any level. Our hearts go out to the poor wee girl.”
“We must protect our young and vulnerable and this reinforces SST's call for a Government funded and managed online sexual and violent offender database that is available to anyone who wishes to access it, to protect future victims from the depraved actions of offenders like this.”