UENUKU Charitable Trust – Te Korowai o Wainuiārua
UENUKU Charitable Trust – Te Korowai o Wainuiārua
82% vote YES
Thank you
2015 Mandate Proposal DECLARATION OF RESULT
We have great news. After nine mandate hui and 43 days of voting, 82% of whanau voted YES 'That Uenuku Charitable Trust is mandated to represent the uri of Tamakana, Tamahaki and Uenuku ki Manganui-a-te-Ao, na Tukaihoro in negotiations with the Crown for the comprehensive settlement of all historical Treaty of Waitangi claims that relate to the Central Whanganui Large Natural Group named Te Korowai o Wainuiarua'.
This vote of confidence is a step towards our goal of building a brighter future for our tamariki and mokopuna while ensuring whanau are engaged and informed to make important decisions. The full voting results are available for whanau to share and celebrate this significant achievement.
For full voting results, visit our website www.uenuku.iwi.nz.
On behalf of the roadshow team and UCT Trustees, thank you for attending our mandate voting hui, thank you for going online to register, thank you for calling the election helpline and more importantly, thank you for having your say and voting.