Iranian Nuke Deal "Will Not Make NZ Happy" - Elliott Abrams
Iranian Nuke Deal Will Not Make New Zealanders Happy, Says Former US Presidential Adviser - Law News, Law Jobs Network - Former adviser to Presidents Reagan and Bush, Elliott Abrams says that the Iranian nuclear deal concluded by the President Obama is a bad deal and not good for New Zealanders who have always supported non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
The deal will ultimately lead to nuclear proliferation because the Gulf Arabs are afraid not of having a bomb dropped on them by Iran, but rather of Iranian hegemony in the region and the West's support of that position.
Elliott Abrams spoke to LawFuel about a range of topics including how the International Criminal Court can work to prevent removing Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad from power and also about why President George W Bush's reputation is growing during his retirement.
See the interview and relevant links here: