Council Chair shuts down debate on weapons conference
Council Chair shuts down debate on weapons conference
The Chair of the Wellington City Council's Economic Growth and Arts Committee has today refused permission to debate a petition which was presented by members of the grassroots group Peace Action Wellington.
The petition, signed by 1,000 Wellingtonians, calls on the City Council to oppose the upcoming weapons conference which is being held in a council owned venue, the TSB Arena on 17th and 18th of November.
This happened despite pleas across the council table that the issue be debated.
Peace Action Wellington spokesperson James Barber says, "it is a travesty that the city council, which declares itself nuclear free and a peace city, is hosting a conference promoting the weapons trade."
"This has happened despite despite prior arrangement with council staff and democratic services for us to present this petition. We are calling on the city council to request that the Chief Executive of Positively Wellington Venues refuse further booking from the weapons industry."
"Chair Jo Coughlan's refusal to debate the petition is not only disrespectful to the group but to the thousand people who have signed their names opposing the weapons conference," says James.