Maritime NZ consulting on fees and Maritime Levy
Maritime NZ consulting on fees and Maritime Levy
20 November 2015
Maritime NZ is consulting on proposed changes to fees and the Maritime Levy identified as part of a review of funding of the Maritime Operator Safety System (MOSS) and Seafarer Certification system (SeaCert).
The mid-point review was signalled as necessary at the time of the last full review in 2012, because MOSS and SeaCert (which both began on 1 July 2014) had yet to be introduced at that point.
Maritime NZ Director Keith Manch said the mid-point review had identified a need to adjust fee and levy levels set in 2012.
“During the implementation of MOSS and SeaCert we have gained experience of the actual work and costs, compared to what was originally forecast. This has identified the need for change,” he said.
“Maritime NZ must recover all the costs of this work from fees or the Maritime Levy but the money we currently receive is not meeting the costs of delivering MOSS and SeaCert, despite a strong focus on efficiencies.”
Mr Manch said the additional costs were currently being funded through a combination of reduced operational spending in some areas, using cash reserves, and receiving more money than expected from the Maritime Levy.
“We are continuing to work hard on finding efficiencies and cost savings in the MOSS and SeaCert systems and across the business, but the current situation is not sustainable,” Mr Manch said.
The consultation will also cover proposed funding changes relating to work on international agreements, conventions and relationships.
There are eight options being consulted on, with full details on the Maritime NZ website:
The consultation will run until 22 January 2016. Public workshops will be held around the country on the details of the review and proposed changes to the fees and levy, as set out below:
Tue, 8 Dec 2015 - Nelson
Tue, 8 Dec 2015 - Christchurch
Wed, 9 Dec 2015 - Dunedin
Wed, 9 Dec 2015 - Invercargill
Thu, 10 Dec 2015 - Tauranga
Fri, 11 Dec 2015 - Auckland
Fri 11 Dec 2015 - Wellington
Mon, 14 Dec 2015 - Napier
Further details about public meetings will be available shortly on the Maritime NZ website at: