Rubbish-bin for Unitec redundancy offers
25 November 2015
Tertiary Education Union
Rubbish-bin for Unitec redundancy offers
Letters to people working at Unitec outlining how much money they would get if they take voluntary redundancy will go in the trash this Friday.
Unitec managers wrote to every single person working at the polytechnic asking them to consider taking voluntary redundancy. The polytechnic is trying to shed staff and increase class sizes.
However, TEU branch president Sid Suha Aksoy says staff do not want to go.
"We’re staying put."
"We believe in Unitec and we want to be there for our students. So we’re not taking the money and running."
Aksoy and many of his colleagues are holding a public trashing of their redundancy offer letters this Friday morning at 8 am in the Hub at Unitec’s Mt Albert campus.
Aksoy says people at Unitec feel they need to stay because Rick Ede and his senior managers appear to have lost any strategic vision.
"Offering voluntary redundancy to every single person suggests they have become so tangled in their privatisation plans that they have lost sight of what will give students the best education."