PSA calls for better remuneration across the public sector
PSA calls for better remuneration across the public sector
The release of the remuneration of public service and state sector chief executives has been welcomed by the PSA as great example of transparency but one that reveals a large gap between the senior managers and other staff in the state sector.
"The reality is that the average chief executive is paid 6.3 times the average staff member," said Glenn Barclay, PSA national secretary. "The PSA recognises that these are some of the biggest jobs in New Zealand and we know that that ratio would be much greater in the private sector, but it is hard for our members to look at those chief executive salary levels when they are struggling to get a pay increase."
"The increase in industrial action we are seeing this year is a reflection of the pressure public servants are under and the challenges involved with negotiating reasonable collective agreements in the current political climate," Mr. Barclay said.