NZ Dairy industry cruel on many fronts
NZ Dairy industry cruel on many fronts
"Footage of cruelty to bobby calves in New Zealand that screened last night shows just part of an industry that harms its workers, its animals and the environment" says Emily Bailey from Climate Justice Taranaki.
"Here in Taranaki we have loads of farm workers on anti-depressants, with drinking problems and stress-related problems. Suicide rates are through the roof because the industry is set up to maximise profits at the expense of everything else."
"Farms are over-stocked and under-staffed and pressure is constantly on to increase already huge debts and spend big on products such as urea fertiliser and palm kernel. Urea is made from hydrocarbons and releases the most harmful greenhouse gas: nitrous oxide, contributing to climate change. Palm kernel comes from the burning and destruction of rainforests. Around half of NZ's greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture with dairy a main culprit."
"As for our rivers, they're now so polluted that council doesn't test for safety levels for swimming but for secondary contact through recreation. Even those tests fail."
"There’s a growing number of case studies demonstrating that farmers can maintain their income while reducing stock numbers, fertiliser use and their workloads. This enhances environmental outcomes."
"Basically NZ's dairy industry needs an overhaul. Their focus should shift from maximising profits for the corporates and bankers to making quality products that ensure the health and well-being of their farming communities, the animals and the environment."