The Demise of Lake Taupo Imminent if Carp Farm Goes Ahead
The Demise of Lake Taupo Imminent if Carp Farm Goes Ahead
Alan Simmons, leader of the Outdoors Party says he has been inundated with emails condemning the proposed Carp farm at Taupo and all are bewildered that the Minister of Conservation has already approved it. On Social media, forums, facebook people are angry and some are proposing extreme action to stop the farm from going ahead.
"When these fish get into Lake Taupo it will be end of Lake Taupo as we know it" said Mr Simmons. We are told by the proposers that they will not survive in a lake system and that Taupo has no fast rivers. Those who fish or walk the Tongariro river will know that to be a complete falsehood and I suspect used to hoodwink the Minister and the people of Taupo.
In the USA President Obama has been asked to introduce measures to try and stop the spread of these invasive fish."
" We are told by the applicants that these fish will not live in lakes or cold water yet in a few short years they have invaded cold water lakes and rivers, some that freeze over in the USA. From a small escapement of fish out of a drainage pond in 1988 these fish have invaded North America in prolific numbers and scientists predict they will reach as far up as Central Canada" said Alan Simmons. The US Army have been called in to fight the invasion and are building dams and dykes to try and halt the invasion. And our minister of Conservation Maggie Barrie has given the green light to them being farmed a few kilometres from pristine beautiful Lake Taupo!
"Anger is building at such a rate I am unable to answer all the emails and the Minister needs to reconsider her decision immediately before this gets out of hand.
Anyone interested in this invasive species only needs to type up "Silver Carp" on google to become appalled that any Minister of Conservation would allow such an invasive species anywhere near Lake Taupo especially when her own Taupo Fishery Advisory Committee screamed NO.
Anglers from all over the USA and Australia are also emailing as the news has spread on facebook. All saying "don't even let them into the country".
Other recreational groups have little idea how these Carp will ruin boating or swimming in Taupo as only one small news item has appeared locally last week. The people of the Taupo region have been poorly informed and many are suggesting this was a deliberate move by the proposers and DOC. Hence the advertisements appearing only in the Dominion News Paper. "
Mr Simmons went on to say " that the Outdoors party will campaign at the next election on this issue however by then we believe it will be too late. We call on the Minster to front up, accept she was mislead and put a stop to this madness immediately.