Out@Work supports trans- hairdresser Dakota Hemmingson
Out@Work supports trans- hairdresser Dakota Hemmingson
Out@Work, the nationwide organisation
representing working people who identify as lesbian, gay,
takataapui, bisexual, intersex, transgender and fa'afafine,
is calling on employers to treat those that work for them
with respect and dignity.
Out@Work has heard of other
cases similar to Dakota Hemmingson’s. Ms Hemmingson, a
transgender women, was pressured by her employer to resign
from her job. "We have had contact with Dakota and her
lawyer and offered our support. It appears that Ms
Hemmingson’s human and employment rights have been
breached," said Out@Work Spokesperson Art
"People who are transitioning from one gender
identity to another should be supported and certainly not
victimized by their employer or colleagues,"
"We commend
Ms Hemmingsons courage to speak publically about the
discrimination she has experienced at work. It’s a tough
thing to do,"
"Employers need to get with the programme on this issue and access the Human Rights Commission Inquiry in 2008 "To Be Who I am" which resulted in a guide for employers on how to behave fairly and lawfully when someone is transitioning at work.
"Employers have obligations under both employment and human rights law. Good employers know this," Daniel said.