Trust Backs One Strike Call for Doped-up State House Tenants
Sensible Sentencing Backs “One Strike” Call for Doped-up State House Tenants
3rd April 2016
Sentencing Trust’s Manawatu spokesperson Scott Guthrie is
backing NZ First's call of “one strike and you’re out”
for State house tenants who choose to smoke or make
methamphetamine on the premises.
Mr Guthrie said “Sensible Sentencing supports policy – not Parties, but this is the beginning of a crisis and it needs to be stopped and we are happy to support N Z First policy on doped-up state house tenants.”
“In the first six months of this financial year more ‘P’ contaminated state houses have been found than in the previous four years combined. It’s costing millions and the gangs and criminal element of New Zealand are laughing all the way to the bank.”
should be kicked out and never be eligible for a state owned
house ever again.”
“Our concern is for the innocent
children having to live in those environments.” Mr
Guthrie said.
“Their parents don’t give a thought to
the health and wellbeing of the children; to them it’s all
about money.”
“CYFS have the power to step in and remove these innocent victims into safe care and that’s what should be happening. But sadly it isn’t.”
Mr Guthrie said, “Housing New Zealand has a huge waiting list of good honest families wanting and in need of accommodation throughout the country.”
“Why should good families come behind the criminals and why should the tax payer continually be funding these criminals life style.”
“This is a crisis that needs to be stopped.”