TOAH-NNEST welcomes announcement on Sexual Violence services
TOAH-NNEST pleased to receive the pre-budget announcement today on Sexual Violence services.
TOAH-NNEST welcomes Ministers Adam and Tolley’s pre-budget announcement in light of months of uncertainty for the sector services. “An injection of more money will be fantastic.” Says TOAH-NNEST spokesperson Ms Lyons. The increased budget of 46 million dollars to support sexual violence responses in Aotearoa, New Zealand will greatly benefit specialist’s services. This will enable agencies across the sector to continue supporting our communities to have healthy relationships.
“We appreciate the ministries are working hard to provide a more adequate and consistent approach to their funding and support of Sexual Violence services across the country.”
TOAH-NNEST and members look forward to open collaboration with Government and ministries on co- design of any new models to be considered. Ms Peipi TOAH-NNEST spokesperson notes “throughout their 30yrs plus of service delivery members have been able to work with police, acc and government to ensure policies and guidelines put the victim at the centre of the process and have for many years provided 24/7 support without adequate resource, in recognition of the need.”
TOAH-NNEST foresee an opportunity to identify priority areas of workforce development for the sector and to ensure appropriate and adequate services are developed for Māori. Sexual violence is not a Maori problem, but given what we know about the impact it is vital that government recognise indigenous pathways as the most effective solution for all. Nga Kaitiaki Mauri o TOAH-NNEST hope to engage with government specifically around this.
Ms Peipi concludes “In the coming days, we await further details of the $46 million distribution and how engagement will occur.”