IrrigationNZ applauds Freshwater Improvement Fund
26 May 2016
IrrigationNZ applauds Freshwater
Improvement Fund
IrrigationNZ has applauded today’s announcement of a new $100million Freshwater Improvement Fund to help improve water quality in New Zealand’s rivers, lakes and groundwater supplies.
IrrigationNZ CEO Andrew Curtis says the fund will help with the many innovative catchment solutions being explored to drive more efficient water use and minimise nutrient losses from farming.
The contestable Freshwater Improvement Fund will be open to councils and landowners to apply for support to achieve desired water quality and quantity standards in their communities.
In addition, IrrigationNZ welcomes the targeted tuition subsidy increase for agriculture and science.
“We support all moves that will help lift the bar for irrigation. Increasing the pool of skilled professionals, irrigators and their service industries is a key part of this”.
“IrrigationNZ already runs training workshops to guide irrigators in the right direction, but this tuition subsidy increase provides additional support for irrigators and their service industries wishing to upskill through a formal qualification pathway. At IrrigationNZ one of our main focuses is to attract the next generation to our exciting industry and importantly provide them with career pathways.”