Coastal battler throws hat in ring for Heretaunga
Coastal battler throws hat in ring
Ann Redstone has a long history of battling for change in the Heretaunga Electorate, most recently challenging the Police commander around the lack of adequate policing in the area alongside her seven-year campaign to Save the Cape Coast.
Redstone was raised in Hastings and has lived in Haumoana for the past 30 years. She has been a member of the Haumoana Ratepayers and Residents Association and was co-founder of the Clean Sea Coalition lobbying local authorities to clean up the ocean from industrial and domestic contaminants.
She was the original convener of WOW (Walking On Water) Inc, a community group of dedicated volunteers working alongside councils to find and implement solutions to the erosion problemsalong the Cape Coast and has been voted chairperson for seven consecutive years. WOW continues to be a strong advocate for local residents at a time when the joint councils Coastal Hazards Strategy Group is about to consider a range of options on how to respond to climate change, sea rise and erosion issues.
In 2014 she was a founding member of Watchdog, a small group of concerned animal lovers who called for a review of the Hastings District Council Pound and Animal Control Department which resulted in the pound being rebuilt and operated under new management.
Last year Redstone began a petition to raise awareness of plans to close local Police stations in Havelock North and Clive. There are now over 3500 signatures on this petition and meetings have been held with MP Craig Foss, and the Police Commander to discuss this ongoing issue.
‘I am very concerned about the shortfall in funding for policing which is clearly beginning to impact on our region as crime rates rise. We are already paying taxes and I don’t believe the ratepayers should be paying twice for community policing. This is clearly Central Government’s responsibility” she says.
Redstone has a professional background in sales, marketing and business management and has gained a wide range of experience in the construction and horticulture industries.
“My experience discussing issues with local authorities over the past few years is invaluable and I believe fresh faces and strong voices are needed around the council table now. My intention is to continue to work towards sustainablesolutions which encourage confidence in regional business growth and development and an increase in tourism.”
Redstone says revitalising Hastings inner city is also high on her list of priorities. “I look forward to representing the Heretaunga Ward residents and working for the benefit of this region.”