Weapons company Serco to be targetted
7 September 2016
Weapons company Serco to be targetted
Activists will target global weapons company Serco on
Thursday, 8 September at 4pm at the company offices at 100
Parnell Road in Parnell.
Auckland Peace Action member Valerie Morse said that a ‘Die In’ will be staged to highlight Serco’s profits from its roles in the weapons industry, in the prison industry and the refugee detention business
“Serco makes huge profits out of the nuclear-weapons industry as a one-third owner in the joint venture AWE-ML, which runs the UK Atomic Weapons Establishment. It is responsible for manufacturing and maintaining the nuclear warheads,” said Ms Morse.
“Serco profits from misery in imprisoning people for profit. It holds a 25-year contract to run the South Auckland men's prison and runs prisons across the UK. The more men in the prison, the more profit Serco makes.”
“Serco runs all the on-shore refugee gulags in Australia and the off-shore centre on Christmas Island.”
"People in New Zealand want nothing to do with the global weapons trade. We think it is really important to expose the work that Serco does in manufacturing nuclear weapons. We also know that people in New Zealand value human rights and justice, not companies that profit from locking up human beings and subjecting them to rape and abuse."