DHBs promulgate incorrect information
8 November 2016
DHBs promulgate incorrect information
Julie Patterson, on behalf of the DHBs
stated on Radio NZ this morning that NZRDA had not put the
DHBs current offer to our membership. NZRDA is unsure
where Ms Patterson got her advice, however she is entirely
The DHBs tabled their latest offer on last Wednesday (November 2). The employer’s advocates attended the NZRDA offices to explain the offer which comprised a covering letter and a track change contract. Both these documents along with a covering explanatory note from NZRDA were circulated to members that same day, with feedback on the offer from members gathered over the following days ahead of yesterday’s mediation.
“Feedback from our members was overwhelming, clear and unequivocal” said Dr Deborah Powell, National Secretary of NZRDA. “The offer was unacceptable as it does not provide sufficient contractual commitment to guarantee safer rostering, and the DHBs are now proposing doctors take a pay cut well out of proportion to the number or value of the rostered days off we might receive with safer rosters.”
For further information about NZRDA concerns over the DHBs offer, please see attached yesterday’s press release.