Quakes highlight need for Wellington-Lyttelton ferry service
Monday 14 November 2016
Quakes highlight need for Wellington-Lyttelton ferry service
Democrats for Social Credit Party leader Stephnie de Ruyter says the Government should support the reopening of a ferry service between Wellington and Lyttleton.
Today’s earthquake highlights the need for such a service with main road and rail links in the upper South island being severely disrupted.
The Party has retained a long held commitment in its policy for investigations into re-instating the ferry service.
The latest event vindicates its retention and demonstrates again that use of common sense policies, outside the tight frame of old-party structure, can point the way to governing New Zealand for people rather than big business.
At the Party’s 2016 Conference held in Christchurch just last month delegates pointed out that as the trucking traffic increases in volume south of Blenheim, light traffic will have problems getting through and that alone justified retaining the policy.
In case of a natural disaster, such as this earthquake, the ferry service is an absolute essential.
Ms de Ruyter expressed her sympathy to the thousands of people who have been affected, and said the potential for further disasters of this type is high with increasing climate change.