Corrections Breaching Human Rights
[Start] Corrections Breaching Human Rights
Pacific Panthers stand in solidarity with prison abolitionist group, No Pride in Prisons.
We support the action of No Pride in Prisons against the Department of Corrections, highlighting human rights abuses against a transgender woman being held in isolation in 23-hour lockdown.
The United Nations Committee Against Torture has, on a number of occasions, chastised the NZ government about the safety and well-being of transgender and intersex persons in the prison system.
They have stated in a number of reports, regarding the NZ prison system, that the segregation of prisoners should be avoided. “Individuals in solitary confinement are deprived of all but the minimal amount of human contact, both within the prison and with those outside it. The harsh conditions are psychologically devastating.”
Transgender persons face higher risks of violence and sexual assault in prison compared to cisgender inmates.
So called “protective segregation” isolates transgender prisoners by denying them access to social interaction and rehabilitation programmes. This can make it more difficult to gain parole and can lead to long-term psychological damage.
Segregation is viewed by Corrections as a temporary “solution”, dismissing the wider issue of trans-misogynistic culture and violence in prisons.
Instead of addressing the perpetrators of violence, Corrections exercises enforced isolation, avoiding any formulation of effective policy to protect transgender prisoners.
Sina Brown-Davis from the Pacific
Panthers says, “This is a disgusting breach of human
rights. Corrections are negligent in their duty of care for
this trans woman. We support the action taken by No
Pride in Prisons. Corrections have a sorry track record
of upholding the human rights of prisoners and only
reluctantly do so under public and legal pressure”.