Disabled community celebrates Disability Pride Week launch
Disability Pride Week
27 November to 3
December 2016
Disabled community celebrates launch of Disability Pride Week
Society has a way to go before disabled people are fully recognised and respected says a prominent member of the Wellington disabled community, Wendy Wicks.
Launching Disability Pride Week at Te Papa today, Ms Wicks asked those present to take moment to remember the past “And all the disabled people who had lived in the back bedrooms, those lost to institutions, those who died in polio and other epidemics and those who had been killed or abused.”
The ceremony focused on the concept of ‘our place’ which Wicks described as about disabled people stepping up and saying to the wider community ‘we are here’, and claiming our place among the community.
The focus of this week’s activities in Wellington on the disabled community claiming its place within society and celebrating their role in the community through their creativity. The launch included song, dance, poetry and video.
The week’s activities include creation of a tape art mural at Nga Toanga Sound & Vision, a story-sharing, discussions, and public art activities. Details at the Disability Pride Week Wellington Facebook page and on the Arts Access Aotearoa website.
Pride Week in Wellington is being organised by Nick Ruane
and Rachel Noble and is supported by Wellington City
Council, Wellington Community Trust, Westpac New Zealand,
the IHC Foundation, Inclusive NZ, Arts Access Aotearoa and