Poroporoaki To Kingi Ihaka
17 January 2017
From Te Whakaruruhau o Nga Reo Irirangi Maori
Ka tanuku ka
Ka tanuku ka tanuku
Ka tanuku koa te tihi o te
Ka tanuku eeei
E Kingi, kua oti te pakanga, kua
oti te mamae
Kua ea!
No reira e te rangatira, takahia atu ra I te ara whānui o Tane Ka haere kee atu ki te taha o raatou o taatou mātua tūpuna.
Na raatou I whakatakoto I te ara hei hiikoinga ma taatou ko nga uri.
Inaianei e te matua ko koe teeraa. Na reira e Kingi, moe mai, moe mai moe mai ra.
It is with much sadness that we pay tribute to Kingi Ihaka who passed away this morning. Kingi worked for us at Waatea and was a huge contributor in our early years with his work in advancing Te Reo. It was his idea to start debates in Māori and the hugely successful Taupatupatu series that started on Waatea then screened on Māori TV was his idea and creation.
Kingi worked closely with me and our Waatea Manager Bernie O’Donnell and was our kaumatua and monitor of te reo. He was also a ton of fun and real hard case, one of Māoridoms real characters.
Kingi got a lot of joy out of correcting the reo of some of the Waatea superstar Maori language broadcasters like Scotty Morrison, Julian Wilcox, Te Kauhoe Wano, Quiton Hita and Bailey Mackey who all took his criticism with good grace and humour. He is also the voice that acknowledges the Waatea relationship with Te Māngai Pāho and the Iwi Network. In this signature statement he captured the essence of what Waatea wanted to do as a news service.
“No reira e te iwi ma Waatea, ma te reo hei whakamārama” is the korero that will resonate with Waatea and the Iwi Network for years to come and Kingi’s voice will always be celebrated.
No reira e te rangatira Kingi moe mai ra.
Willie Jackson Chairman of Te Whakaruruhau o Nga Reo Irirangi Maori