Gun Owners Want Criminals Targeted
Gun Owners Want Criminals Targeted
The Prime Minister has announced that Police are to receive funding for 880 more front line officers and an additional 245 support staff. “This reflects the recommendation that COLFO made to the Law and Order Select Committee during their review on the illegal possession of firearms” says COLFO Spokesperson Nicole McKee. “COLFO has rallied for more resourcing to be afforded to NZ Police so that they may combat crime where it will be most effective.” COLFO believes increased Police targeting on organised crime and gangs is a better use of resources than the current focus on over policing law abiding firearms licenced holders.
We sincerely hope that this cash injection will lead to improved intelligence on criminal acts and a greater apprehension of offenders particularly where stolen or black market firearms are involved. “Police have not had an increase in targeted response and prevention funding for some years now” advises McKee “The Prime Minister’s backing of these key elements to effective policing will hopefully take the spotlight off the law abiding firearms users and place the target firmly on the backs of criminals instead” she says. The increased focus of Policing in rural areas is especially welcoming.
McKee observes that “all eyes will now be on the Police"