Double the Refugee Quota - Climate Justice Taranaki
Double the Refugee Quota
Climate Justice Taranaki welcomes Murdoch Stephens from the Doing Our Bit campaign to New Plymouth. The campaign demands an immediate doubling of New Zealand’s refugee quota and doubling of support funding to help new refugees.
On his national tour, Mr Stephens speaks on the evolving refugee crisis over the last year, what New Zealand’s policies are – including the new community sponsorship model – and how local communities can get involved.
In New Plymouth, Emily Bailey and Urs Signer of Climate Justice Taranaki will facilitate the event, and speak to the issue from a local perspective, with particular emphasis on displacement and colonisation in Taranaki.
“As more climate refugees flee rising sea levels, droughts, floods, pestilence, habitat collapse and resource wars we all need to do our bit to provide them sanctuary. Come along to hear Murdoch this Wednesday August 2nd 6pm at the Fitzroy Surf Lifesaving Club in New Plymouth,” said Ms Bailey.