NZDF Estate & Infrastructure Alliance Partner Procurement
Update on NZDF Estate & Infrastructure Alliance Partner Procurement
The NZDF wishes to advise that subsequent to the initial market engagement in December 2016, and the market briefing statement issued on 1 June 2017, we have commenced the planning required to prepare for an Estate Alliance partnership model. This planning has identified that the original timelines were too ambitious and there are some very complex issues that need to be resolved before commencing a procurement process that may result in an outcome that is entirely new, novel and ambitious for the NZDF.
As a result, we are announcing that the procurement process that had been due to commence in July 2017 has been postponed. NZDF will update the market by 31st October 2017 of the revised timeline.
The NZDF acknowledges the delay in commencing the procurement process, as was outlined earlier. We are mindful that this is potentially a complex procurement and requires more time and continued early engagement with industry to bring the right requirement to market. This will ensure that realistic timelines and expectations are established.