By-election nominations
Hastings District Council’s electoral officer has received six nominations for the vacant Hastings-Havelock North councillor position.
Those nominations are:
Bruce Bisset
Alezix Heneti
Eileen Lawson
Chris Perley
Stuart Perry
Rion Roben
Voting papers will be posted out to electors in the Havelock North-Hastings Ward, with voting opening on Tuesday, March 20; closing at 12 noon on Wednesday, April 11, 2018.
Special voting facilities will be available during normal office hours at Hastings District Council reception, 207 Lyndon Road East, Hastings, from March 20 until noon on Wednesday April 11, 2018.
Those able to vote in this by-election are residents and ratepayers living within the ward and ratepayers of property within the Hastings-Havelock North Ward but living outside of the ward.
Enrolment arrangements for this by-election close at 4pm on Tuesday, April 10, 2018, and are open to:
• Residents within the Hastings-Havelock North Ward who are not listed on the final residential roll for this by-election. Residential enrolment is available at any NZ Post Shop or online at
• Ratepayers of property within the Hastings-Havelock North Ward who live outside that ward area. Ratepayer elector enrolment can be carried out at the Civic Administration Building, 207 Lyndon Road East, Hastings or by completing the enrolment form which is available online at