Bus Drivers to ask for law change
Bus Drivers to ask for law
Tramways Union media advisory
- 15 May, 2018
Wellington Bus Drivers will address the Education and Workforce Select Committee tomorrow morning to argue for a law change to protect drivers’ terms and conditions.
The request follows the Greater Wellington Regional Council’s decision to tender its bus services without protecting bus drivers' jobs, wages, or conditions.
The drivers - Wendy Parsons, Ivana Sheck, and Kevin O’Sullivan (who is also the Tramway union’s Secretary) - will provide the select committee with background of the issue including the effects it has had on drivers, and the threats it presents to Wellington’s public transport system.
The change that is being requested is the addition of bus drivers to the schedule for part 6A of the Employment Relations Act.
WHAT: Drivers
appearance at Select Committee
WHEN: 10:05 am, 16
WHERE: Room 1, Bowen
The full submission is available here