Halbert welcomes back Phil Twyford MP to Northcote
Wednesday 6 June 2018
Halbert welcomes back Phil Twyford MP to Northcote
Northcote Labour candidate Shanan Halbert today was pleased to welcome back Phil Twyford MP to Northcote for his third visit in the campaign.
Shanan and Phil went to the Akoranga Campus of AUT and met with Derek McCormack, Vice-Chancellor, Prof Max Abbott, Pro Vice-Chancellor North Campus, Prof John Tookey, an expert on housing and construction, and Prof Guy Littlefair, dean of the faculty of Design & Creative Tech-nologies to discuss Shanan’s plan for the future of housing and transport for students on the North Shore.
Shanan said “It’s been my pleasure to host Phil again. Today we engaged with community leaders and talking about how we will get things done here in Northcote.”
“Transport is the number one issue when I’m talking with voters on the doorstep. I’m proud that La-bour is implementing a plan to reduce congestion through Skypath, Seapath, and improving our Northern Busway and downtown Ferry Terminal. I’m also campaigning for light rail to be brought to the Shore sooner, so we can have more public transport options.”
“Housing and homelessness are also big issues here in Northcote. It’s great that this year’s Budget announced 1,400 more emergency housing places and 6,400 more state and community houses so families in need have a place to call home.
“I’m campaigning to making sure Northcote gets not just more houses here in our community, but the right mix of affordable and social housing.”
“Together, with Auckland Council, the Local Board, central Government, and the community, we can ease congestion and get more of our people into homes. That’s what I’m campaigning on - to be a strong local voice who will get things done.”
Shanan’s plan for
transport and housing in Northcote
• Improve
congestion on local roads by pushing for more investment in
public transport op-tions, including Skypath and Seapath,
and by bringing light rail to the Shore sooner
• Ensure
our community gets the right mix of affordable and social
housing in our community through Labour’s Kiwibuild