It’s down to the wire in Northcote by-election
It’s down to the wire - not long to go in Northcote by-election
Labour Leader Jacinda Ardern and Northcote Labour candidate Shanan Halbert campaigned together today in Northcote, emphasising how important it was that people get out and vote for a strong local voice before 7 pm Saturday.
Shanan said “It was a pleasure hosting Jacinda in the Northcote shops today. We spent time encouraging locals to ensure their voice is heard by joining the thousands of others who have already voted in the by-election.”
“We know from the polling that this race is down to the wire. If everyone who voted for me in the 2017 General Election votes for me again in this by-election, Northcote will have a strong local voice in Government come June 10th.”
“I can't stress enough -
the voters of Northcote need to get out and vote Shanan
Halbert before 7 pm Saturday for a strong local voice
that’ll get things done.”